Thursday, August 27, 2020

3 pasos para renovar sin entrevista la visa de turista

3 pasos para renovar sin entrevista la visa de turista La renovaciã ³n de la visa de turista para Estados Unidos puede hacerse siguiendo un trmite rpido y sencillo siempre que se realice dentro de plazo. En este artã ­culo se informa sobre quiã ©nes no necesitan la visa de turista y por lo tanto no precisan renovarla. Tambiã ©n cundo se tiene que renovar, si se tiene una, cã ³mo es el proceso, quã © 3 decisiones puede tomar el oficial consular y quã © no se debe hacer porque pone en peligro la visa y/o su renovaciã ³n. Con esta informaciã ³n ser fcil obtener la renovaciã ³n del visado. Quiã ©nes no necesitan una visa de turista para ingresar an Estados Unidos Es importante saber que las personas extranjeras que desean viajara an Estados Unidos como turistas o para recibir tratamiento mã ©dico necesitan de una visa B2 o la combinaciã ³n de una B1/B2 de turista/negocios, si bien existen importantes excepciones: Mexicanos y extranjeros residentes en Mã ©xico que viven junto a la frontera pueden solicitar una tarjeta de cruce, tambiã ©n conocida como visa lser. Pero sã ³lo sirve para un tiempo ms limitado que la visa de turista y tambiã ©n est restringida an ingresos terrestres y no permite adentrarse ilimitadamente en territorio de los Estados Unidos.CanadiensesCiudadanos de 38 paã ­ses parte del Programa de Exenciã ³n de Visas.â Entre esos 38 paã ­ses se encuentran, entre otros, Espaã ±a, Chile, Italia y Portugal, lo cual puede ser de interã ©s para muchos latinoamericanos que cuentan con doble nacionalidad, siendo una de ellas la de un paã ­s incluido ese Programa de Exenciã ³n de Visas. Cundo es necesario renovar la visa de turista Si ya se tiene una visa de turista, conocida en algunos paã ­ses como de paseo o de placer, à ©sta tiene una vigencia limitada. Puede dejar de ser vlida porque se aprueba por un nã ºmero limitado de ingresos y estos ya se han agotado o porque ya ha llegado su fecha de expiraciã ³n (tambiã ©n conocida como de vencimiento). En cualquiera de estos casos es necesario renovar la visa si se quiere viajar de nuevo a los Estados Unidos. El proceso es muy comparable a los de peticiã ³n por primera vez, pero con dos importantes novedades: el porcentaje de aprobaciã ³n es mucho ms alto en las renovacionesenâ algunosâ casos no es necesaria la entrevista en el consulado. Estas circunstancias se han endurecido desde que el presidente Donald Trump entrã ³ en la Casa Blanca. 3 trmites para la renovaciã ³n de la visa de turista History of the U.S Deben seguirse los siguientes pasos: En preliminary lugar, completar en lã ­nea el documento DS-160. La opciã ³n que aplica es la de visa restoration. Aunque el formulario est en inglã ©s, es posible ver una traducciã ³n al espaã ±ol colocando el cursor encima del texto que se quiere traducir. En segundo lugar, pagar la cuota correspondiente. El procedimiento de pago tiene variaciones de paã ­s a paã ­s por lo que se debe seguir las instrucciones del DS-160. Esta tarifa nunca se regresa, aunque la visa no ocean aprobada. En tercer lugar, si es necesario cerrar una cita para la entrevista en la oficina consular, seguir el procedimiento. Si no es obligatorio, proceder an entregar la documentaciã ³n como se seã ±ala en el formulario de internet.â Casos de exenciã ³n de la entrevista para renovar la visa de turista History of the U.S La entrevista en el consulado o embajada es uno de los trmites que ms disgusta a los solicitantes de las visas de turista. Una de las razones es porque la necesidad de presentarse en el edificio consular obliga a dedicar buena parte de una maã ±ana an ese trmite o incluso ms, si feed que desplazarse an otra ciudad. Pero adems, feed el factor subjetivo de los nervios. No todas las persona se ponen nerviosas, pero muchas sã ­, por no saber quã © le van a preguntar, por temor a dar una respuesta equivocada, and so on. Por task ello, la posibilidad de no tener que acudir a la entrevista es festejado por muchos solicitantes de la renovaciã ³n de la visa. El Programa de Exenciã ³n de la Entrevista, conocido por sus siglas en inglã ©s de IWP, que estableciã ³ paulatinamente el gobierno del presidente Barack Obama permitã ­a muchos casos de renovaciã ³n sin necesidad de entrevista. Sin ban, el  Donald Trump ha anulado esa waiver en muchos casos. Actualmente, estos child los lineamientos para no tener que presentarse a la entrevista durante la tramitaciã ³n de la visa de turista History of the U.S: Niã ±os de 6 aã ±os o menoresPersonas mayores de 80 aà ±osPersonas cuya visa de turista haya expirado hace menos de 12 meses y que nunca hayan tenido problemas en las aduanas de EE.UU., nunca hayan sido detenidas y a las que nunca se les haya negado o anulado una visa History of the U.S. En tasks los casos, las embajadas y consulados de Estados Unidos pueden decidir unilateralmente que un solicitante debe presentarse a la entrevista aã ºn cuando entre dentro de las excepciones que en teorã ­a permitirã ­an no tener que cumplir con ese propã ³sito. Quã © puede suceder durante el proceso deâ renovaciã ³n de la visa El oficial consular puede decidir: aprobar la visadeclarar un procedimiento administrativo, es decir, ni aprobaciã ³n ni negacià ³nNegar la visa. ​ Las posibilidades de que esto suceda child pequeã ±as, ya que en los casos de renovaciã ³n se produce menos de un dos por ciento de rechazo de entre todas las anxieties. Pero sã ­ que es una posibilidad genuine. No obstante, es mucho menor a lo que sucede cuando se solicita por primera vez, donde el rechazo en general supera el 20 por ciento de las peticiones, si bien roughage grandes diferencias segã ºn el consulado. Las causas por las que se produce un rechazo caen bsicamente dentro de dos grandes categorã ­as, causas que convierten an una persona en inelegible para la visa de turista y las que la convierten en inadmisible para ingresar a los Estados Unidos.â Si el problema se origina por una de estas à ºltimas causas, es aconsejable asesorarse con un abogado de inmigraciã ³n especialista en waivers para analizar si es conveniente solicitar uno. An esto tambiã ©n se le conoce como perdones o permisos. Quã © puede poner en peligro conservar la visa de turista Para evitar problemas muy desagradables e incluso sufrir la cancelaciã ³n de la visa es conveniente saber la respuesta correcta an estas dos preguntas:  ¿es conveniente quedarse en EEUU el mximo tiempo permitido? En este punto es de extrema importancia conocer las consecuencias, ya que desde el punto de vista migratorio child graves. Adems, es importante saberâ con quã © frecuencia se puede regresarâ a Estados Unidos como turista ya que la mayorã ­a de los viajeros no child conscientes de que el ingreso an EE.UU. les puede ser negado por un oficial migratorio aunque, en teorã ­a, estn moviã ©ndose dentro de los parmetros que marca la ley. Para civic chairman informaciã ³n sobre cã ³mo obtener y conservar la visa, se recomienda tomar esteâ este test, unimportant o test sobre visas. Este artã ­culo tiene una finalidad informativa. No es asesorã ­a legitimate para ningã ºn caso en specific.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Biology Questions and Answers Essay Example for Free

Science Questions and Answers Essay 2.) a) proteins b.) I) Amylase ii) Protease iii) Lipase c) I) Glucose ii) Amino Acids iii) Fatty acids and Glycerol 3.) an.) Each compound has an extraordinary shape that fits onto the substrate. As compounds ordinarily just catalyze one response the substrate needs to fit in the particular shape (dynamic site) and on the off chance that it doesn’t fit in (lock and key technique) at that point the chemical won’t be catalyzed. b.) As when the chemical is denatured it’s unique shape is decimated, along these lines obliterating it’s dynamic site implying that the substrate wont have the option to fit in, in this manner not catalyzing the compound. c.) As chemicals are explicit when a catalyst catalyzes a compound it tends to be utilized again and again as they are not changed during the response. 5.) an.) if the convergence of the compound is expanded the rate f the response will increment. This is on the grounds that there will be more proteins to help separate the substrate, anyway when the compound ranges it’s ideal it will be equivalent. b.) if the temperature is diminished it will drop the pace of response and hinder the speed of catalyzing. c.) on the off chance that the pH is brought down, at that point the pace of response will drop making the pH meddle with the bonds holding the chemical together and denaturing the catalyst. 7.) an.) I) the pace of response is expanding at a positive consistent relationship, in light of the fact that the expansion in temperature is making the proteins move around quicker expanding the opportunity of an impact. ii) the rate out of nowhere drops after it’s hit the ideal temperature, this is on the grounds that the securities holding the compound together have broke annihilating chemicals uncommon shape. b.) It builds it as it makes the chemicals move around quicker expanding the opportunity of an impact. c.) the bonds change it’s uncommon shape causing it incapable to catalyze substances. d.) A. it could be pepsin in the stomach e.) B, it could be phosphatases f.) it is extremely restricted.

Friday, August 21, 2020

Reasons For Research Proposal

Reasons For Research ProposalIn writing a proposal, there are many reasons for a writer to do research. The benefits of research are plentiful and every individual should be proud to benefit from the use of research. Research is an important step that should not be taken lightly. However, if you need to go out and find research to include in your proposal, the following paragraphs will cover some of the main points.Firstly, if you get this right, you can ensure you get it done quickly. Writing a proposal is one of the most important tasks you will be undertaking and it should not be skipped. If you plan properly, the writing process will go much smoother than you imagine. By getting all the details right from the start, you will not miss any necessary details later on.Secondly, by doing research project yourself, you will feel more confident that you have done everything possible to present your case. Writing a proposal should not only be considered as an exercise; it should also be looked upon as an extremely significant document. This means you should be prepared to put the time and effort into writing it.Thirdly, if you write things down and you write everything down, then you will know what is going on, what things are important and how things are connected. You will also know how things are connected. By getting your thoughts on paper, you will find it much easier to present your case. You will have a clear idea of where to focus your attention and you will know what the best ideas are.Fourthly, this final reason is the most obvious. Research will save you time. Of course, the benefits of research are even greater if you can write it yourself. However, you must realize that time is of the essence when presenting a business to potential investors and potential clients.There are numerous types of research that you can perform. You can do any number of things from researching people to researching the finances of a company or you can simply research the marke t you are dealing with. Whatever you decide to do, it is essential that you try to make the process as easy as possible.The best way to find a good source of information is to get to know the person you are working with or to get to know the person who will be doing the research. That way, you can write a proposal that helps the other person and also helps you. Doing your research well is not always easy, but once you are aware of what you need to know, it is very simple. When you search for information on the internet, be sure to do your research thoroughly. By doing your research properly, you will be able to present your case well.Writing a research proposal does not have to be difficult, if you know what you are doing. Writing a successful proposal is a matter of being prepared, following some guidelines and using your own research skills. If you follow these tips, you will be able to write a proposal that stands out and gets written up quickly.

Monday, May 25, 2020

Business Axe Commercial Research Essays - 1132 Words

Introduction with Background Information Company Axe is one of the 400 brands which is belonged to Unilever Company. The portfolio of this multinational company focuses on health and wellbeing mainly, including food, beverages, cleaning agents and personal care products. Many world-leading brands including Axe, Lipton, Knorr, Dove, Hellmann’s and Omo are some of these brands ( Market Axe Brand, which was named Lynx in Europe, was first launched in France in 1983 as a teenage boys’ grooming category ( For its first 19 years since 1983, AXE brand has developed its market merely in Europe. Later on, in 2002, AXE was introduced to another big market-- the U.S and increased its target customers†¦show more content†¦However, according to most of the commercials they did before, their advertisements are well known for sexual humor and exaggerated scenarios and exaggerated scenarios that play into male fantasies. Significant changes about the campaign has changed in the year of 2014. The way how the company promoted the Axe Peace fragrance line gave a new idea to the public with its content and meaning behind. The new global campaign and commercial advertisement is related to peace. The concept behind the advertisement and its marketing campaign was developed with the Peace fragrance because Axe often visits college campuses an d they finds peace and harmony are the topics and themes that are supported by students ( Thus, it aims to generate the awareness of the peace message, as well as encouraging people to take simple but meaningful actions that will have a positive impact on the future of their world. Also, partnered with international non-profit organization, Peace One Day, Axe brand set a Peace Day on 21st September, 2013 ( $250,000 from Axe brand was donated to the organization and is promoting it in its advertisements and on Facebook page ( Besides these, the promotional campaign also includes a Kiss-For-Peace Twitter hashtag. Users can submit photos of themselves kissing to Axe, and the best photos are being broadcast on electronicShow MoreRelatedEthical Policies Vs. Corporate Social Responsibilities1238 Words   |  5 Pagesand senses make use of right or off-base. Presently apply this as business definition, the ultimate goal of the company is t o make profits and there can be either positive or negative Impact by the company on operation of business. Simply business ethics is the behavior of the business in accordance with the society or community [1]. Unilever Company Code of Practice Paul Polman (CEO) of Unilever Company reported that its business earned reputation based on integrity and interests in accordanceRead MoreNew Product Entry Strategies1678 Words   |  7 Pagestruly profitable business growth in an otherwise depressing economic environment. In the example given below the product AXE DARK TEMPTATION has entered the market using the product differentiation strategy . The differentiatiom is mainly done on the chocolate feature which differentiates AXE DARK TEMPTATION from its competitiors Example 2 :Axe dark temptation was the new product by Axe which was launched using product differentiation strategy . The basic theme on which axe deodorants are launchedRead MoreIntroduction to Unilever1436 Words   |  6 PagesRotterdam, Netherlands and Unilever PLC in London, United Kingdom. Both Unilever companies have the same directors and they operate as a single business. The current non-executive Chairman of Unilever N.V. and PLC is Michael Treschow while Paul Polman is Group Chief Executive. Unilever owns over 400 brands, amongst the largest selling of which are Aviance, Axe/Lynx, Ben Jerrys, Dove, Flora/Becel, Heartbrand, Hellmanns, Knorr, Lipton, Lux/Radox, Omo/Surf, Rexona/Sure, Sunsilk, Toni Guy, TRESemmà ©Read MoreEssay on Pre-campaign Analysis: Old Spice Brand Image1560 Words   |  7 PagesPre-campaign Analysis Research Research is a crucial step in determining the problem or issue faced by the organisation (Gregory, 2000). Old Spice conducted their research and found that the brand’s image was fading away along with their sales at the start of 2010 (Rowe, n.d.). The image that the public had in mind was that Old Spice’s products were something their â€Å"grandfathers† would buy and use (Effie Awards, 2011). Sales had dropped due to the increased number of competitors for bodyRead MoreThe Ethical Dilemma of Sexual Appeal in Advertising Essay2621 Words   |  11 Pagesadvertisement that carries a â€Å"sexy† message in it than one that does not. The purpose of this paper is to respond to the question, â€Å"how ethical is it for advertisements to use sexual appeal as a means of marketing and selling consumer goods?† In this research paper, I will discuss the ethical dilemma of sexual appeal in advertising and argue that sex should not sell. Before introducing any type of appeal into an advertisement, it is important to know and evaluate the audience that will be receivingRead MoreSanofi Aventis Swot Analysis1750 Words   |  7 PagesNovember 2012 The Business Environment â€Å" Sanofi-Aventis, between innovation and acquisition† Wafi Djebbar Table of Contents Executive Summary 3 1. Introduction 3 2.Sanofi Description and Background......†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.......4 3. Sanofi Business Environment 4 3.1. Political Factors 4 3.2. Economic Factors 5 3.3. Social Factors 7 3.4. Technological Factors 7 3.5. Environmental Factors 8 3.6. Legal Factors†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦8Read MoreSexism And Its Effects On The Media3229 Words   |  13 Pageshamburgers or sandwiches in a very weird, uncomfortable and seductive way. For the 2015 Superbowl, Carl’s Jr. but out an advertisement that was said to be the most sexist ad of the Superbowl. The 30-second commercial, titled â€Å"Au Naturel† was promoting their All Natural burger. The premise of the commercial was a naked lady, model Charlotte McKinney, walking through a famer’s market eating a Carl’s Jr. burger. Through carefully placed items like fruit and vegetables, McKinney’s naked body is hidden, untilRead MoreScheduling The F requency And Timing Of The Promotion1589 Words   |  7 Pagesappropriateness of business information used to make strategic decisions. The two functions I am going to be talking about is finance and marketing for my organisation which is HM. Marketing: Marketing is the action or business of promoting and selling products or services, including market research and advertising. Market research is the action or activity of gathering information about consumers needs and preferences. HM need to use market research in order to improve their business and make furtherRead MoreThematic Comparison Of Literature Of Smart Cities1625 Words   |  7 Pagesbroad and comprehensive approach to improve the efficiency of city operations, citizens’ quality of life and the economy. The axes which move the development framework and improving the smart city are the economy, people, governance, mobility, environment and living. The development of smart city requires managing a complex system of factors in the line of the above axes. This is because everyone s dimensions give the actual value that is required to achieve the target. The smart city is definedRead MoreDove Marketing Research Paper3297 Words   |  14 Pages We used many methods to study young adult males and their purchasing patterns. We believed that it we were able to recognize their patterns, it may lead us to the reasons behind the lack of brand awareness in young adult males. The ethnographic research that was conducted led us to conclude that young males take into consideration many different factors when purchasing body-care products. The consumer that was observed studied the price, scent, and packaging when choosing the product. This consumer

Friday, May 15, 2020

Illinois v. Gates Supreme Court Case, Arguments, Impact

Illinois v. Gates (1983) dealt with the admissibility of evidence, particularly anonymous tips to the police. The Supreme Court applied the totality of the circumstances test instead of a rigid two-pronged test developed under previous decisions. Fast Facts: Illinois v. Gates Case Argued: October 13, 1982, March 1, 1983Decision Issued: June 8, 1983  Petitioner: State of IllinoisRespondent: Lance Gates et ux.Key Questions: Did the use by the Bloomingdale Illinois police department of anonymous letters and a police affidavit as probable cause to conduct a warrant-less search of the home and car of Lance Gates and his wife violate their Fourth and Fourteenth Amendment rights?Majority Decision: Justices Burger, White, Blackmun, Powell, Rehnquist, and OConnorDissenting: Justices Brennan, Marshall, and StevensRuling: Although previous cases had established the requirements of a two-pronged approach, the majority found for Illinois, stating that the totality—combined letter and police work producing an affidavit—could be used as probable cause.   Facts of the Case On May 3, 1978 detectives at the Police Department of Bloomingdale, Illinois received an anonymous letter. The letter alleged that  Lance and Susan Gates  were engaged in an illegal drug smuggling operation. According to the letter: Ms. Lance would leave her home in Illinois on May 3 and drive to Florida.Once in Florida, her car would be loaded with drugs.Ms. Lance would fly back to IllinoisMr. Lance would fly from Illinois to Florida a few days later and drive the car and drugs back home. The letter also alleged that Lances basement had over $100,000 in drugs. Police began to investigate the matter immediately. A detective confirmed the car registration and address of the couple. The detective also confirmed that Lance Gates had booked a flight from OHare airport in Illinois to West Palm Beach, Florida on May 5. Further surveillance from the Drug Enforcement Agency on and after May 5 revealed that Lance Gates got on the flight, got off the flight in Florida, and took a taxi to a hotel room registered in his wifes name. The couple left the hotel in a car registered to them and drove north-bound on a route towards Chicago. The detective from the Bloomingdale Police Department submitted an affidavit, notifying a judge of his observations, and attached the anonymous letter to it. A circuit court judge reviewed those documents and issued a search warrant for the Gates home and car. The police were waiting at the Gates home when they returned from Florida. Officers found 350 pounds of marijuana in the car, as well as weapons and other contraband in their home. The circuit court ruled that the affidavit and anonymous letter were insufficient to establish probable cause for police to search the car and home. The Illinois Appellate Court affirmed that decision. The Illinois Supreme Court bench was divided on the issue and the U.S. Supreme Court granted certiorari to settle the question. Constitutional Question Did the police violate the Gates Fourth and Fourteenth Amendment rights when searching their home and car? Should the court have issued a search warrant based on the anonymous letter and police observations? Arguments The arguments focused on whether or not the credibility and basis of knowledge for the anonymous letter could be established. Attorneys for the Gates argued that the anonymous letter could not be used to show probable cause because it was anonymous. The author could never be shown to be reliable, one of the key standards for a two-part test for probable cause. Attorneys arguing against the suppression of the letter maintained the opposite. The detectives affidavit in addition to the anonymous letter provided sufficient grounds for a search of the Gates home and car. The search warrant had not been improperly issued and the evidence should not be suppressed. Majority Decision In a 7 to 3 decision delivered by Justice William Rehnquist, the Supreme Court ruled that the anonymous letter and affidavit could be used to establish probable cause to issue a search warrant. The Gates constitutional rights had not been violated. The Court argued that its rulings in two previous cases, Aguilar v. Texas and Spinelli v. United States, has been misapplied. Lower courts had rigidly applied a two-pronged test from those rulings in order to assess probable cause. The test required the court to know: the veracity or reliability of the informant.the informants basis of knowledge The anonymous tip that police had received about the Gates home failed to provide that information. According to the majority opinion, a totality of the circumstances approach would better help determine when there is probable cause to issue a warrant on the basis of an anonymous tip. Justice Rehnquist wrote: [P]robable cause is a fluid concept—turning on the assessment of probabilities in particular factual contexts—not readily, or even usefully, reduced to a neat set of legal rules. Veracity, reliability, and basis of knowledge should be considerations for the court, rather than rigid guidelines. The totality of the circumstances approach, according to the majority opinion, allowed magistrates to use common sense when making probable cause determinations, rather than asking them to follow rigid guidelines that might not fit the case in front of them. In applying the totality of the circumstances test, the court found that the anonymous tip and affidavit established probable cause for a search warrant. There was a fair probability that the writer of the anonymous letter received the information from the Lance or Susan Gates or someone they trusted, according to the majority opinion. Dissenting Opinion In two separate dissenting opinions, Justices William J. Brennan, John Marshall, and John Paul Stevens argued that the totality of the circumstances approach should not be used in place of the two-prong tests in Aguilar and Spinelli. Veracity and basis of knowledge should remain the two required factors for issuing a finding of probable cause. If some of the informants claims could be proved false, the anonymous tip would fail to provide a basis of knowledge for the court. In the Gates case, detectives had no way of proving when Susan left Illinois. She also failed to take a plane from Florida to Illinois as the anonymous tip had suggested. As a result, the judge should not have determined there was probable cause to search the Gates home and car. Impact The court extended the totality of the circumstances approach to anonymous tips corroborated by police statements. Instead of solely focusing on veracity and basis of knowledge to make probable cause determinations, magistrates issuing warrants could take other common sense factors into account. This loosened restraints on courts in terms of issuing search warrants. Source Illinois v. Gates, 462 U.S. 213 (1983).

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Debate Over The Internet - 886 Words

The Internet in the year 2009. We send e-mails, make calls over the internet and discuss topics we take an interest in. Even our banking is going virtual. But what we take for granted today was only a vague idea fifty years ago. In order to understand how we got this far Let’s go back to 1957, when everything began. Before 1957 computers only worked on one task at a time. This is called batch processing. Of course, this was quite ineffective. With computers getting bigger and bigger they had to be stored in special cooled rooms. But then the developers couldn t work directly on the computers anymore – specialists had to be called in to connect them. Programming at that time meant a lot of manual work and the indirect connection to the computers led to a lot of bugs, wasting time and fraying the developers ´ nerves. The year 1957 marked a big change. A remote connection had to be installed so the developers could work directly on the computers. At the same time the idea of time-sharing came up. This is the first concept in computer technology to share the processing power of one computer with multiple users. On October 4th 1957, during the Cold War The first unmanned satellite, Sputnik 1, was sent into orbit by the Soviet Union. The fear of a Missile Gap emerged. In order to secure America s lead in technology, the US founded the Defense Advanced Research Project Agency in February 1958. At that time, knowledge was only transferred by people. The DARPA planned aShow MoreRelatedEssay on The Debate Over Internet Censorship1547 Words   |  7 PagesThe Debate Over Internet Censorship Many people believe the Internet has become the World’s Emancipation Proclamation. They believe that this newfound cyber-freedom will free countless generations of people. These people will be of every race, creed and color, whose lives, up until now, have been restrained by the paradigm of governments. Whether it is the United States Government, or the government of a foreign nation, the Internet will be our new Underground Railroad of cyberspace. Read MoreThe Debate Over Net Neutrality Laws Essay1638 Words   |  7 Pagestelephone calls over the internet or voice over internet protocol, complains to the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) about an unknown service provider blocking their telephone service. The FCC investigated the complaint and found that Madison River, a telephone company, was responsible and ordered them to stop blocking data sent from Vonage (Higginbotham, 2010). 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Data Protection Measures †

Question: Discuss about the Data Protection Measures ? Answer: This study deals with the case study on Sarbanes Oxley International. Data protection management provides backup to the files to ensure that the task are safe and the data is easily recoverable in the future (Sim-Tang et al. 2013). It is necessary to have effective data protection management as it will help in effective processing as well as methodologies to secure the data with utmost integrity. The modern practices on data management help in storing the services with proper back up so as to enable less of troubleshooting. This is a tool that helps in providing visibility to issues that is not possible with only backup application. This company has to undergone various criticism related to posing additional regulation that leads to lack of competitiveness with countries like USA. SOX manage with the financial statements so ensure quality assessment by the Board of Directors. Limitation is faced in order to protect the data as there is vast amount of data generated on a daily basis (Chen Zhao, 2012). The company fails to store in an automated manner that leads to loss of files in the future run. It is important to practice data protection management so that important files are saved and backup are there for future reference. Data protection is necessary in an organization in the recent world. It is known that data are mostly recorded electronically so organization should engage in installing software that will help them to manage with records in an effective manner. Reference List Sim-Tang, S. Y., Fraisl, D. J., Hoeber, A. N. (2013).U.S. Patent No. 8,544,023. Washington, DC: U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. Chen, D., Zhao, H. (2012, March). Data security and privacy protection issues in cloud computing. InComputer Science and Electronics Engineering (ICCSEE), 2012 International Conference on(Vol. 1, pp. 647-651). IEEE.

Sunday, April 12, 2020

Bulling In Us Elementary Schools free essay sample

The research that has been carried on bullying internationally and in the United States focusing on elementary schools shows that bullying and victimization is most common in elementary school and becomes progressively less common by the end of high school with rates of bullied students decreasing from 14% of American 6th graders to only 2% of the 12th graders (Prinstein and Dodge, 2008) Victimization is in most cases found in schools but bullying in elementary school is likely to continue at the later age. A consistent growing empirical literature shows that adults bully adults in the workplace in the United States and other countries. (Prinstein and Dodge, 2008). With this findings in mind, there is need to enhance reporting of bully cases in schools so as to minimize the vice. According to Webb and Terr in 2007 shows that bullying affects nearly one in three American school children in grades six through ten and merely sixteen percent of them report to have been bullied. We will write a custom essay sample on Bulling In Us Elementary Schools or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Expected outcomes (Measurable Objectives) A positive relationship between having been bullied in school and being bullied in the adult workplace is evident since those who had been both bullies and victims of bullies in school were even more likely to be bullied as adults at work. Secondly, comparison on sex differences is expected to be the frequency of being bullies, victims, and bully-victims in elementary schools. American male students are more found to bully and are bullied more than female students in elementary schools. Males may consistently have been bullied more than females in many national American studies. As Prinstein and Dodge, 2008 found, American male students bullied more than female students, but were equally victimized. They reported that in their pick of a random sample, American 6th graders, boys were over three times more likely to be classified as bully-victims than were girls, and American middle school and high school students, males were six times more likely to be bully-victims than were female students. Prevalence Direct bullying is a form of physical or verbal attacks, and indirect bullying, or relational/social bullying in the form of deliberate social exclusion or isolation. There are more verbal bullying form elementary school boys and girls than physical bullying, and that physical bullying is more common among boys than girls. Verbal bullying is expected to be more common in both American boys and girls, and American boys may do more physical bullying than girls. Girls engage in more indirect or social bullying than boys, so gender differences is a determinant on the types of bullying used by bullies and experienced by victims in school at various levels, (Prinstein and Dodge, 2008). Analysis of Results Measurements of outcomes Data collection is important for continuous assessment of school crime and violence to give out better and more reliable solutions. A rather robust data collection system is important for educators, community officials, and policy makers at the local, state, and Federal levels to assess and implement school policies for safety. The best data mining and analysis procedure to be utilized here ought to incorporate demographics on students and also adults as participants and collection of their responses filled in questioners. A retrospective study need to be conducted on working adults to investigate whether they had been bullied in school and whether they were being bullied at their jobs. A reliable computer software program or application tool such as the Statistical Package for the Social Services (SPSS) or Excel will be used to analyze this data to come up with charts and graphs to give the clear picture on influences to bulling and current trends and effects. Finding data from the of students who skip school or practice truancy and finding correlation with gathered data on bulling is a key point to be utilized. The correlations also need to be done with respect to age and gender. Solution Strategy Problem Statement The problem is that bulling at school is on the increase with only a small number out speaking about it. Discussion In line with the undertaken surveys by Prinstein and Dodge in 2008, seven percent of students ages 12-18 were reported to be bullied at school during the previous six months. Therefore bullying behavior is most prevalent in the middle grades but as students get older, the prevalence declines so only a small number are bullied. Solution strategy Educators, parents, students, and community members need to find ways to curtail and prevent bulling behaviors from happening because of the growing evidence that leads not only to short and long term consequences for the victim and the offender, but also diminishes the moral climate of the school and its learning environment. The consequences or effects of bulling are equally felt by persons who do not engage in bullying-type behaviors. So these behaviors are far reaching and students who are bullied are at higher risk for truancy and subsequently dropping out of school. Bullied students are likely to skip school entirely or miss out on extra-curricular activities, have little self-esteem, feel isolated, experience depression and are less likely to report good grades. Offenders in bullying incidents are also more likely to engage in crime as adults, have poorer grades or test scores, and may be good abusers of tobacco and alcohol. They are also more prone to carry a weapon to school for protection and engage in physical fights. Description of Selected Solutions/Calendar Plan The initiatives to be pursued to address the issue may include but not limited to first of all coordination. By solicit of funds and use of grants, effective drug and violence prevention programs can be implemented, secondly is through interagency campaigns to stop bullying and increase awareness about the problem of bullying among teens. Teaching young people that they can and should do everything possible to stop bullying is the key goal. The websites, television and radio public service announcements are some vital points these campaigns ought to focus considering that this are issues concerning people who are highly conversant with technology. Programs should avail access for information on bullying prevention and activities that can be implemented at school or community level. Conclusion Bullying is an act that erodes the schooling climate, impairs teaching and learning, and is hurtful to individuals, very often leading to short-term and long-term consequences, including suicide and homicide. As such, we must aggressively attack the problem. Education cannot take place in an environment of fear. All students deserve safe learning environment without being afraid of going to school because of the way they will be treated while there. It would be very unwise to depend on the government to do everything, but if everyone is committed to the issue and does what they can then there would be a decline or even demise of the offense and schools will be safe for everyone References: Webb N and Terr L, (2007), Play Therapy with Children in Crisis: Individual, Group, and Family Treatment. Guilford Press publishers, P. 251 Prinstein M and Dodge K, (2008), Understanding Peer Influence in Children and Adolescents. Guilford Press publishers, P. 239

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Proof of U.S. Citizenship Documents

Proof of U.S. Citizenship Documents Proof of U.S. citizenship must be established when dealing with all levels of U.S. government. Documents proving citizenship must be provided when applying for Social Security benefits and when applying for a U.S. passport. Increasingly, states are requiring proof of citizenship when applying for â€Å"enhanced† drivers licenses as required by the federal Real ID Act. Documents Serving as Primary Evidence of U.S. Citizenship In most cases, documents serving as â€Å"primary† proof or evidence of citizenship are required. Documents serving as primary evidence of U.S. citizenship are: Birth Certificate or certified copy of Birth Certificate issued by a U.S. State or by the U.S. Department of State (for persons born abroad to U.S. citizen parents who registered the child’s birth and U.S. citizenship with the U.S. Embassy or consulate);U.S. Passport, issued by the U.S. Department of State;Certificate of Citizenship issued to a person born outside the United States who derived or acquired U.S. citizenship through a U.S. citizen parent; or Naturalization Certificate issued to a person who became a U.S. citizen after 18 years of age through the naturalization process. The Consular Report of Birth Abroad or Certification of Birth should be obtained by persons who were born abroad to U.S. citizens. If you cannot present primary evidence of U.S. citizenship, you may be able to substitute secondary evidence of U.S. citizenship, as described by the U.S. Department of State. Secondary Evidence of U.S. Citizenship Persons who cannot present primary evidence of U.S. citizenship may submit secondary evidence of U.S. citizenship. Acceptable forms of proof of secondary evidence of U.S. citizenship depend on the appropriate situations as described below. Early Public Records Persons born in the United States but unable to present primary evidence of U.S. citizenship may submit a combination of early public records as evidence of your U.S. citizenship. Early public records must be submitted with a Letter of No Record. Early public records should show name, date of birth, place of birth, and preferably be created within the first five years of the person’s life. Examples of early public records are: Baptismal certificateHospital birth certificateCensus recordEarly school recordFamily Bible recordDoctors record of post-natal care Early Public Records are not acceptable when presented alone. Delayed Birth Certificate Persons born in the United States but unable to present primary evidence of U.S. citizenship because their U.S. Birth Certificate was not filed within the first year after their birth may submit a Delayed U.S. Birth Certificate. A Delayed U.S. Birth Certificate filed more than one year after your birth may be acceptable if: It lists the documentation used to create it (preferably early public records, andIt is signed by the birth attendant or lists an affidavit signed by the parents. If the Delayed U.S. Birth Certificate does not include these items, it should be submitted together with Early Public Records. Letter of No Record Persons born in the United States but unable to present primary evidence of U.S. citizenship because they do not have a previous U.S. passport or a certified U.S. birth certificate of any kind must present a state-issued Letter of No Record showing: Name,Date of birth,The years for which a birth record was searched, andAcknowledgment that no birth certificate was found on file. A Letter of No Record must be submitted together with Early Public Records. Form DS-10: Birth Affidavit Persons born in the United States but unable to present primary evidence of U.S. citizenship, you may submit Form DS-10: Birth Affidavit as evidence of your U.S. citizenship. The birth affidavit: Must be notarized,Must be submitted in person,Must be submitted together with early public records,Must be completed by an affiant who has personal knowledge of birth in the U.S.,Must state briefly how the affiants knowledge was acquired, andShould be completed by an older blood relative. NOTE: If no older blood relative is available, it may be completed by the attending physician or any other person who has personal knowledge of the persons birth. Foreign Birth Documents and Parent(s) Citizenship Evidence Persons who claim citizenship through birth abroad to U.S. citizen parent(s), but are unable to submit a Consular Report of Birth Abroad or Certification of Birth must submit all of the following: Foreign birth certificate (translated into English),Evidence of citizenship of the persons  U.S. citizen parent,Parents marriage certificate, andA statement of the person’s U.S. citizen parent detailing all periods and places of residence or physical presence in the United States and abroad before their birth. Notes See Documentation of U.S. Citizens Born Abroad for additional information.For information on foreign-born children adopted by U.S. citizens, see the Child Citizenship Act of 2000.Foreign language documents should be accompanied by an informal or formal English translation. Unacceptable Documents The following will not be accepted as secondary evidence of U.S. citizenship: Voter registration cardArmy discharge paperSocial Security Card

Sunday, February 23, 2020

What can we learn about the structure of the traditional indian Essay

What can we learn about the structure of the traditional indian society from the Ramayana story - Essay Example For instance, respect for teachers and elders are an important traditional value amongst the Indian families. A sage is about to arrive at the palace of King Dasharatha, and this incident reflects something profound about the Indian society. R. K. Narayan writes, â€Å"On a certain afternoon, messengers at the gate came running to announce â€Å"Sage Vishwamitra.† When the message was relayed to the King, he got up and hurried forward to receive the visitor.† (7) A King going all the way to receive a sage. Seems incredible, but that was the value system and even today sages command immense reverence. What it is to be an ideal human being and what is an ideal society? One will not be able to find a better work than Ramayana to find the treasure-house of values. Those are not mere ideals for practicing sitting on the ivory tower! Every value described and defended in the Ramayana stands the test of practicability. That which is not practical, can not be noble or spiritual either. An individual has to play different roles in different stages of one’s life. Donning the human body, Lord Ram has shown to the humanity how to live the divine life. His reign on this Planet Earth has been hailed as Ram Rajya, which means the ideal policy that the human beings can aspire for. The impressionable minds of the youngsters need to be given the correct values. The Sages are embodiments of truth and love. No extraneous considerations are taken into account, and the question of defending Dharma assumes supreme priority, and all other overriding factors are side-tracked. The slaying of demon Thataka illustrates the correct style of imparting the right values to Ram when SageViswamitra was on his way to his hermitage in the thick forest. The demon used to harass the sages performing sacred rituals and plunder the forest wealth. When Vishwamitra orders Rama to slay her, Rama hesitates for a while, whether it is proper to slay a woman! Women

Thursday, February 6, 2020

Employee relations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words - 1

Employee relations - Essay Example However, Third World countries are not able to implement this law effectively and child labor is heavily prevalent in such countries. The United Kingdom has set a proper regulatory system for employee-employer relations and aims to ensure that both sides receive their fair share. It is alleged at times that employees receive a greater amount of leniency and have more say than the employer has in the maintenance of this relationship. However, employees in the UK also have issues regarding the minimum wage, pension plans, and health benefits included in their pay (Lewis, pg. 114-184, 2003). Mainly, developed countries such as the UK, Australia, USA, and Canada have regulatory systems, which aim to moderate the relationship between employees and employers. Laws govern the contracts upheld by both parties and the clauses are testable by law. Hence, if one party fails to acknowledge or fulfill a clause mentioned in the contract, that party is liable to punishment by law. However, not all countries have a regulatory system. Most Third World Countries have neither a minimum wage nor an obligation to provide employees with any other benefits. Discrimination and unnecessary redundancy is strongly prevalent in such countries. No system exists to assist labor properly in standing up for their rights. Cheap labor is readily available in less developed countries and developed countries often end up exploiting this situation. Since their own countries have a strong system-regulating employee and employer relationship, they avail cheaper labor without any hassles in less developed countries (Lewis, pg 189, 2009). However, the international system and regulatory power for employee-employer relations details issues such as age requirements for work, health benefit plans, job security, minimum wage, and retirement plans. There are several agencies working to aim to secure such benefits for employees all over the world (Hollingshead, pg 24-32, 2010). Trade unions and worker assoc iations also do not have full acknowledgement and recognition under the laws of many countries. Hence, workers are unable to negotiate terms and conditions with their companies on a large scale or engage in â€Å"collective bargaining†. Mainly, in Third World countries, the blue-collared workers or labor classes lack education and awareness of their rights. These people also lack opportunities and hence are exploited by their employers by being offered low wages and practically no-benefits (Rose, pg 156-230, 2004). White-collar workers or skilled labor is more informed regarding international law; hence, usually such workers do engage in proper contracts and receive competitive salaries, according to their qualifications. They also receive benefits, health insurance, and retirement plans. Most Third World countries also implement international law upon their own government employees. Government employees enjoy proper employee benefits and adequate pays with pay raises wheneve r adequate. They get the treatment according to international standards of employee-employer relations (Lewis, pg 89-105, 2003). However, only one side of the story should not be accounted for as employees also have an obligation to fulfill their duties during the period of employment. International law states that employees may receive termination if they fail to perform all their duties. Hence, it is mandatory for employees to avoid over emphasizing their powers. In

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Social Contract Essay Example for Free

Social Contract Essay Discuss the view that morality is a social contract (30 marks) Jean-Jacques Rousseau said Man was born free, and he is everywhere in chains and what he is trying to show is that a social contract is binding on the members of a society, everywhere he is bound to be moral. The sources and reasons for the upholding morality (that is what is right and what is wrong) has been questioned since the days of Plato and one answer was given by Thomas Hobbes a contractarian answer. A contractarian believes that human beings are self-interested and it would be rational for him to co-operate with others. Hobbes developed this view by making us aware of the (imagined) state of nature in Leviathan (1651) in which people were present before any form of social cohesion and organisation. Hobbes asserts that at this time, everyone would look out for their self-interest but this would involved a great deal of hostility and an inability to do things out of fear (a humans self-interest could be to steal from you and thus cause you fear). Life would be a torment; war of all against all is how Hobbes puts it. The solution to this is cooperating between people. The implication of this is that there is no morality independent of what people in any given society think. There are however problems with this namely historically there has never been any contract. If we looking historically, we have made agreements (be it the Fourth Geneva Convention or the Magna Carta) but there has never been a collective social moral contract. Humans appear to be innately social. Indeed, it is not even just humans ants appear to work in colonies. Further, a contract would only be understood by a social being. As a result of there being no contract (factually), it would seem to make the idea redundant for if I havent signed anything, why should I be obligated? Although we can object and say that Hobbes isnt saying that people sat around and signed a codified document rather what he is suggesting is that if we were to imagine the state of nature to be the case, it would justified for us to accept such a contract hence giving a justification for us to be moral (as well as the existence of societies). However, there seems to remain one problem. By saying that societies develop morality and that there is no morality independent of this, it leaves us with the problem of cultural relativism. For it would be right in a society to kill all the enemies if thats what society determines, in the case of the Nazis it would be the Jews, yet seldom do we find someone who would actually call this moral and not demand action be taken. We could however say that the contract applies universally and that we have not reached the signing. Yet this is not what the contract is saying, for even if we were to accept that rules applied universally is the contractarian approach really telling us about morality? No! Even if something benefits me that may not the reason why I do it and definitely not the reason it is moral. An absolutist would say that rules are moral in themselves, regardless of the time or society in which they agreed. Locke develops the idea that there need be no actual agreement by saying that it is a tactic agreement. This means that a person who seeks to reap the benefits of society implicitly agrees to social contract and if I dont then I am free to leave. However am I really free to leave? It would not seem so. To leave, I would most likely have to leave this would not only mean having a passport to go to a different country, which would have its own set of rules but meaning that to get to the airport I would have to abide by the road rules lest I wish to be arrested. Even if Hobbes is correct in saying that there is no actual contract, we are left with why should we honour the agreement? Indeed, if we are self-interested as Hobbes says then surely when the time came, we would act in a self-interest way? This view can be illustrated by Ian McEwans Enduring Love; there is a hot air balloon and in the basket lays a child there is a sudden gust and the balloon starts it flight. Five men grab onto the rope of the balloon, alas there is another gust and if all five men carry on holding on then the child will be saved. This did not happen. All but one, were left clinging on to the rope. Whats even more so apparent is that if I am sure that I will get away with doing something immoral, why shouldnt I do it? If I knew I wasnt going to be caught stealing money then it would be in my self-interest to steal it. Hobbes answer to the aforementioned question is a Sovereign. This means that there is someone to enforce the law (the terms of the contract). By doing this, it would show that when acting against the contract and giving primacy to self-interest, it would not be in our long term self-interest to do so. However this still doesnt answer the question as to why someone who knows they will not get caught should be moral. Indeed, there are many people who are criminals and it is only found out after they have died. Also, there seems to be a different argument put forward by David Gauthier who argues that to there is no need for a sovereign because those of us who have dispositions to altruism, will in the long term have more benefits than those who are shot-sightedly self-interested. This view is strong in the sense that it shows that human beings are genuinely altruistic with a purpose of doing so and thus not having an over pessimistic view of humans (thus the lesser need for a sovereign). There are further problems with the social contract approach. When a terrorist has a hostage, he can use the hostage to dictate the terms of an agreement. This means that despite this being unfair, or even immoral, he can ask for however million pounds and for him to be pardoned of his act. This is obviously immoral and wrong. This situation is analogous to the state of nature period and someone strong dictating the terms which are not moral such as making all children workers. Furthermore, we could take the view of Marx and Thrasymacus (from Platos Republic) who say that the social contract is a means of social control by the minority. This means that the powerful and rich peoples interests can be carried out under the veil of morality. An example is the respect for property which, by no coincidence, is what the ruling class have. This means that the weak can be exploited and the rulers can maintain their position. We can criticise Marx for not taking into account that people do not steal because they do not want to offend the ruling class but this is not what Marx is trying to say. Indeed, what he is saying is that this is the correct reason why people do not do such things and through instruments such as religion and education (throughout history) they have been taught these rules and regulations. However John Rawls argues in his Theory of Justice that to counter this, we must decide the terms under a veil of ignorance in which nobody is certain for their position and so everyone will be fighting for minority rights in case they are within that minority; nothing is assured! If we posit Hobbes view as truth then we also find ourselves holding a pessimistic view of life for we have ample opportunity to break the rules of the contract yet we do not. If we were to hold Hobbes view societies would long be over because we could no longer trust people because they would take such selfish actions. To say that people dont mug each other in fear of being caught is not plausible. Surely the actions of a mother or a carer in the slums seem to show that we do not act just for self-interest. Further, is Hobbes really giving an accurate account of morality? We can indeed have a contract but is the only reason we do not break it because we fear the courts? Surely this isnt morality but a preference of prudence in an action but this view does not correlate with what we express. If someone were to say Stealing is wrong, they do not mean that it is better if you dont because it is more sensible, they mean it is a morally irreprehensible action. Hobbes view is also put under fire by alternative views, Richard Dawkins argues that altruistic behaviour can lead to evolutionary success and is thus embedded in our genes. There was never a conventional agreement rather because it is mutually advantage behaviour helps our evolutionary success, humans do it. So it is not because it is mutually advantageous that we choose to do it but we do it because it is advantageous and has helped us reach this stage. This, of course, is not the only alternative view others view moral as what the Bible says or even the Quran. We could even take the utilitarian approach and say that what is moral is the thing that obtains the greatest number of peoples happiness. To take this view is, as said, to ignore every instance of altruism. However what about blatant acts of altruism? The egoist could say that subconsciously we gain self-gratification from doing right things. However, again, it does not follow that I am doing these things because I want self-gratification. In the case of Mother Teresa, it is not plausible that she only did those things because she wanted self-satisfaction. As the egoist claims that everything is in some way selfish, it negate the idea of selfish and selfless as it distorts the distinction and leaves nothing but motives which is not a direct accurate description of the world. Thus to conclude, to hold the view that morality is defined, described and prescribed by a social contract ultimately fails. Alternative ideas not only, in some cases, have scientific backing but also have a more accurate representation of the real world. The view is both pessimistic and would lead to the powerful being on top and the weak being exploited. Thus we must conclude as Hume did and say that there is not historically validity (among other things) to this claim.

Monday, January 20, 2020

industrial revolution Essay -- essays research papers

What factors helped to promote America’s huge industrial growth during the period from 1860-1900? America had a huge industrial revolution in the late 1800†s. Many changes happened to our great nation, which factored into this. The evidence clearly shows that advancements in new technology, a large wave of immigrants into our country and new views of our government, helped to promote America’s huge industrial growth from the period of 1860-1900. Advancements in new technology clearly promoted the industrial growth of the United States. The new technologies allowed business owners to reduce labor in the movement of materials from one point to the other. This occurred by using the new technology of railroads and machinery. Business owners used the railroads to transport their finished product and raw materials around the country more efficiently, which enabled businesses to expand. The business owners were now able to use machines for lifting materials from one floor to another and to use conveyer belts to move materials around on an assembly line. The use of machines is evident because the graph in document 5 clearly shows that American industrial and agricultural power sources between 1850 and 1900 changed. This is evident because in 1850, only 13% human power and 35% water and coal power was used, but in 1900 a mere 5% human power and a whopping 73% water and coal power was used. The use of machines more than doubled over t he course from 1850-1900, and the human output de...

Sunday, January 12, 2020

Human Migration Essay

Human migration is the movement by people from one place to another with the intention of settling temporarily or permanently in the new location. The movement is typically over long distances and from one country to another, but internal migration is also possible. Migration may be individuals, family units or in large groups. Immigration is the movement of people into a country to which they are not native in order to settle there, especially as permanent residents or future citizens. Immigrants are motivated to leave their native countries for a variety of reasons, including a lack of local access to resources, a desire for economic prosperity, family re-unification, escape from prejudice, conflict or natural disaster, or simply the wish to change one’s surroundings. 1. Build background about human migration and types of migration. Explain to students that human migration is the movement of people from one place in the world to another. Ask: What are some different types of human movements? Then tell students that people move for many reasons, and that types of human migration include: †¢internal migration: moving within a state, country, or continent †¢external migration: moving to a different state, country, or continent †¢emigration: leaving one country to move to another †¢immigration: moving into a new country †¢return migration: moving back to where you came from †¢seasonal migration: moving with each season or in response to labor or climate conditions 2. Discuss people who migrate. Tell students that people who migrate fall into several categories: †¢An emigrant is a person who is leaving one country to live in another. †¢An immigrant is a person who is entering a country from another to make a new home. †¢A refugee is a person who has moved to a new country because of a problem in their former home Have students provide specific examples of each to demonstrate understanding of the differences between the three terms. 3. Brainstorm reasons for migrating. Ask: Why do people move? What forces do you think drive human migration? Then explain to students that people move for many reasons and that those reasons are called push factors and pull factors. Tell students that push factors include leaving a place because of a problem, such as a food shortage, war, or flood. Tell students that pull factors include moving to a place because of something good, such as a nicer climate, more job opportunities, or a better food supply. Ask: What effect does a region’s economy; climate, politics, and culture have on migration to and from the area? Have students brainstorm additional reasons for migrating, such as displacement by a natural disaster, lack of natural resources, the state of an economy, and more. The relatively permanent movement of people across territorial boundaries is referred to as in migration and out-migration, or immigration and emigration when the boundaries crossed are international. The place of in-migration or immigration is called the receiver population, and the place of out-migration or emigration is called the sender population. There are two basic types of migration studied by demographers: 1.Internal migration. This refers to a change of residence within national boundaries, such as between states, provinces, cities, or municipalities. An internal migrant is someone who moves to a different administrative territory. 2.International migration. This refers to change of residence over national boundaries. An international migrant is someone who moves to a different country. International migrants are further classified as legal immigrants, illegal immigrants, and refugees. Legal immigrants are those who moved with the legal permission of the receiver nation, illegal immigrants are those who moved without legal permission, and refugees are those crossed an international boundary to escape persecution. Jay Weinstein and Vijayan Pillai (2001) denote a third classification: forced migration. Forced migration exists when a person is moved against their will (slaves), or when the move is initiated because of external factors (natural disaster or civil war). The distinction between internal and international migration is crucial because they happen for different reasons. Because structural barriers are more likely to impede the mobility of a potential international migrant than an internal migrant—international migration involves more administrative procedures, greater expense, and more difficulties associated  with obtaining employment, accessing state services, learning a new language, and the like—the motivations behind international migration are usually stronger than those behind internal migration (Weeks 1999). Why do people migrate? People have moved from their home countries for centuries, for all sorts of reasons. Some are drawn to new places by ‘pull ‘ factors, others find it difficult to remain where they are and migrate because of ‘push’ factors. These have contributed to the recent movement of people here but are also the reason why people from here have emigrated to other countries. Over 80 million people in the world have Irish blood; 36.5 million US residents claimed Irish ancestry in 2007. Historically some were transported or sold into slavery or left because of poverty, hunger, persecution, discrimination, civil war, unemployment and, more recently, simply for education and better jobs. Migrant numbers have risen rapidly in the last decade. In 2013 there were thought to be over 230 million international migrants. Pull Factors Migrants are drawn increasingly to countries such as the UK and Ireland by the following factors: †¢Developed countries, or industrialised city areas within countries, draw labour from countries or areas where incomes are lower. †¢International transport has never been easier and is cheaper than ever, relative to incomes. †¢The telephone and internet make it easier to access information. †¢Falling birth rates in developed countries contribute to labour shortages and skills gaps. †¢Extra people are required when there is rapid economic expansion. †¢People are drawn to stable democracies where human rights and religious freedoms are more likely to be respected. †¢Many people in other parts of the world speak English. †¢Young people move in order to get better jobs or improve their qualifications, including their language skills. Push Factors Negative factors at home add to the reasons why people feel compelled to move. †¢Lack of prospects for career advancement †¢Poverty and low incomes †¢High unemployment rates †¢Persecution and poor human rights †¢Internal conflict and war †¢Natural disasters, climate change and famine THE IMMIGRATION The immigration, as a decision made by a person is an act that occurs, because of some factors especially in the under developed countries and the most important causes or reasons are mainly social reasons, politic reasons and economic reasons. For the first reason which is the social one , the underdeveloped countries know and suffer from crisis at the economic level, this factor leads the people to immigrates abroad in order togain money , and find a work. Also, poverty leads many people and pushes them to search for a work and gain money to solve their problems and afford their needs, but this isn’t available or easy to reach in their home country, so that they choose to travel abroad where the work is available and the cost of living isn’t rising, and where they can improve their social situation. For the second reason, which is politic, and as we know, in some countries especially the underdeveloped one there is some civil wars between the citizenship, this fact means that there is no peace in that country and automatically we know that when there is no peace there is no normal life, because when the war start it damaged anything and everyone who is in front of it, and because of all that some people choose to travel abroad and avoid any trouble caused by the war. At least, and for the third reason, which is the economic one, the most underdeveloped countries suffer from the low salaries that the workers get, which push many of them to think of the immigration. Also, those countries don’t afford for all the people enough jobs especially for the younger’s that are considered as new comers to the job market where they shocked when they discover that there isn’t enough jobs for them and so that their decision will be surely to travel abroad or to immigrate definitively . But the most dangerous problem is that some  younger’s travel even if they have high degrees in different domains and this will leads those countries to fall in the problem of BRAIN DRAIN, so that their immigration could be a great loss for their countries, especially in a time where there countries are in a great need for their knowledge. Finally, and in my opinion I think that every under country must afford enough jobs, especially for the Youngers those that are considered as the future of the country, and try to reduce the social problems and then stop the immigration.

Saturday, January 4, 2020

Gender Inequality The United States - 939 Words

Gender inequality has been an issue in the United States of America since the very founding of the country. Many believe that the sexes are equal in the United States of today because nearly a hundred years ago women gained the right to vote but this was not the only hurdle we needed to surmount. Gender inequality is alive and thriving even today, and although this is definitely not the only issue American women face today, it can be seen in something called the wage gap. It is commonly known that the average woman makes 77 cents to a man’s dollar, but this only applies to white women. The gap increases more and more for women of color. The median black woman earns 65.1% of what the median white man earns hourly, and the median Hispanic woman earns 58.9% as much, (Davis). The Economic Policy Institute found some other interesting facts in their search for information on the wage gap and how to close it. They found that the gender wage gap exists at â€Å"every decile in the w age distribution, at every level of educational attainment, and in the majority of occupations†. They say that if we had closed the gender wage gap and had wages grown in line with productivity from 1979-2014, which they did not, the hourly wages of the median woman could be over 70 percent higher today—$26.04 instead of $15.21. Building on this, they also found that only, â€Å"About 16 percent ($1.69) of the disparity is explained by gender inequality, 49.1 percent ($5.32) is explained by overall inequalityShow MoreRelatedGender Inequality Of The United States1363 Words   |  6 Pagesof color, you’re going to be underpaid, so there’s really no point,† Daniel recalled (â€Å"Career and Workplace† 4). A future law graduate was told to throw away her dreams in regards to gender inequality. A girl named Reshma Daniel had to give up what she loved most because of a situation regarding both her race and gender. Reshma Daniel’s parents moved to America from India with just a couple dollars. Her parents wanted their children to live the Amer ican life. For Daniel, that simply meant law schoolRead MoreGender Inequality Within The United States1531 Words   |  7 Pageswe can see there is a trend implicates that the gender roles are slowly starting to change but the gender stereotype still have stayed firmly over the years in North America even though people are now more aware of the problem of gender inequality. In North America, gender roles between women and men are now being shared more equally in workspace due to the feminism movements and higher literacy level of women, but there are still gender inequality existing in our society. Feminism movements haveRead MoreGender Inequality Within The United States1701 Words   |  7 PagesGender has had a repeating effect on the choice of careers for people all throughout the United States. In history, it is taught that males dominated women in many careers, while women dominated males in only a few other minor positions. Males had an upper hand over women in engineering and in the military. One of the reasons males dominated was the idea of dominance over women has been passed down for centuries. It was never common for a women to be an engineer of a home or anything that wasn’tRead MoreGender Inequality Within The United States1879 Words   |  8 Pagesand colonization has evolved, gender in the United States has been constructed in a manner that is unknown in other countries. Our society has made different stereotypes for certain sexes. It is socially impossible to not make a collation between sex and gender in the United States. Women are viewed the same in the professional world and in the home life perspective. All roles played by women are considered to be inadequate or insignificant compared to men. Gender characteristics, such as masculinityRead MoreGender Inequality During The United States1971 Words   |  8 PagesCorona 1 Yailin Corona Honors English 11-4 Junior Research Paper 3 March 2016 Gender Inequality in the U.S. For years, women have been viewed as weak, indecisive, and subjective. Women have become more empowered since their suffrage and earning their rights. Although, they have their rights, women are not equal to men in today’s society because of unequal pay and discrimination. The pay between the two gender in recent college graduates and stabilized jobs opt towards males. Women are discriminatedRead MoreGender Inequality Within The United States2702 Words   |  11 PagesGender Inequality In the United States there are many human equal rights for women but they are insufficient to create equality. Despite of many equality rules gender inequality still exists and that’s the fact. In history women were not allowed to study or work. In modern world women are achieving education goals and also working. Does that mean women are getting equal treatments? The answer is no, women are not treated as equally as men. The graduation rates for women are higher then men, butRead MoreGender Inequality Within The United States1686 Words   |  7 PagesThere have been many advances in society, especially for women despite these advancements, there continues to be inequalities in sexual â€Å"equality† .Why does a wage difference exists between men and women? Are employers being sexist? Sexism has been a problem since the beginning of mankind. Women have struggled to achieve equality with men. The male dominated culture has led the female gender to become the â€Å"wea ker sex†. This discrimination, of course, based on the stereotype that women should be stayRead MoreGender Inequality Within The United States1410 Words   |  6 PagesEquality Among Gender Both within and across different cultures we find great consistency in standards of desirable gender-role behavior. Males are expected to be independent, assertive, and competitive; females are expected to be more passive, sensitive, and supportive. These beliefs have changed over the past twenty years within the United States and apparently around the world as well. Therefore, modern society has been trying for the past decade to eliminate all of these stereotypes and doubleRead MoreGender Inequality Within The United States Of The English Department Of Ku.881 Words   |  4 PagesIn today s society we have gender inequality without us even knowing we are doing it, because it is how we are all raised. From when a lot of us were younger we have seen everyone else â€Å" doing gender† so we have picked up on it.By doing gender we create different levels that men and women are put on. These levels are not natural they are man made. The culture we are raised in assigns and crea tes for us the different attributes and behaviors. Since we are aware of the expectations that are held overRead MoreGender Inequality : A Good Understanding Of The Social Inequality Essay1487 Words   |  6 PagesAs a female college student I feel the necessity to have a good understanding of the social inequalities around me. Although, women have socially grown with more power over the years, it is not enough to equalize with the men. For example, the pay gap difference between men and women for not having the â€Å"testosterone bonus† even though the same education and qualifications are present. I hope that over time I will be able to experience a change and have the same equal rights as men because I feel